Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Busy days in 3rd Grade!

We have been so busy in 3rd grade this month! It seems like January flew by and February is going by just as fast! We started off this month with the PDS Science Fair! Congratulations to our 3rd grade winners! They will go on to Oxford to compete in March! Thank you so  much to Mrs. Whalen, and for everyone that helped made our Science Fair such a great event!

This month we also had the MAIS District Art at PDS this year. Different schools through out the region participated in this event. Several PDS students had art selected to participate in the event, and PDS also had several art winners! Congratulations to Ben Caleb for a being a 3rd grade winner! We are so proud of you!

February also started our new book for reading, Charlotte's Web! We have really enjoyed the book so far! As most of you know, the kids have a Charlotte's Web binder in which they are keeping all information about the book that we are studying. We have a test each Friday covering 3 chapters, with vocabulary and comprehension questions. It is so wonderful to see the students excited about reading!

Last night, we had a very special event, Taste of PDS! We sang songs, ate yummy food, and enjoyed great fellowship! Thank you so much to PTF, parents and staff for all your hard work for making this a special tradition at PDS!

Next Tuesday, is February 14th which means one thing-- Valentine's Day Party! There is already a great deal of buzz going around the rooms as to what we will be doing for our party! The parties will start at 2:00.

Lastly, we will soon start working on our 3rd grade play which will be on March 23rd. Play parts and solos will be assigned soon! We will be practicing alot at school, but it would be so helpful if you would please help your child learn his or her part! With your help, I know the 3rd grade will be one to remember! Thank you so much in advance for your help with this!

Whew! What a month! We will be looking forward with joyful hearts as to what the rest of the year may bring! Here are some pictures from this month. Enjoy!

Congratulations to Sam & Abby on their 1st prize ribbons at the Science Fair!

Ben Caleb and his winning work of art! 
Ben Caleb's Dad, Mr. Malloy talked to the 3rd grade classes about how he uses Math for flying his airplane!
Thank you so much Mr. Malloy for talking to us!
It is so important for us to see everyday uses of Math!

Austin brought his new puppy, Delta to school for share time! She is so cute!

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