Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Surprise Symphony!

Mrs. Jackson does a GREAT job teaching music to our children.  Here they are in action, playing the boomwhackers.

Saving Energy

To conclude our study of energy, the students made posters showing ways to save energy at home and on the go.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


In Social Studies, Ms. Roberts has been teaching the students about community helpers.  To learn more about these helpers, they did research and then they interviewed each other.  They did a great job!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

There's an author among us!

Ally Powell wrote and illustrated a story, and we enjoyed hearing it!  Great job, AP!

Friday, October 7, 2011


We are SO proud of the work that the students did on their biography book reports!  They looked great in their costumes, and they did a fantastic job on their presentations!  Thank you parents, grandparents, friends, and Mrs. Burd for coming to watch them share what they learned.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Project Assignment from Ms. Roberts

The third graders will do their first project for social studies on community workers.  The project will be due on October 19 and 20.  Some students will present on each of those days  Please check your child's planner next week for his/her presentation day.

1. Students will choose a partner by drawing names out of a hat.  (Because there are 11 in each class, there will be one group of three.)
2. Students will choose a community worker.
3. Students are to research and find out what that worker does, what training is required for that job, and any other information about their community worker.
4. Each student writes four questions and answers about his/her community worker.
5. On presentation day, one person will be the community worker, and the other will be the interviewer.
6. Students may dress up for their parts.  One will dress as the news reporter, and the other will dress as the community worker.
7. Partners should practice their parts BEFORE presentation day.

Students will use computer lab time this week to research their community helper.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

National Walk To School Day

To celebrate National Walk to School Day, the whole school walked to the DSU football field and released green and gold balloons.  It was a beautiful day and a great way to get some exercise together.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Remember, you are invited to attend Biography Day this Friday. Oct. 7 at 2:00!  Students will be presenting their reports dressed in full costumes!  Come join the fun!

A grading rubric was sent home last week.  It is posted below just for backup!  :)

Title and author of book written on poster (2o points) = _____

Illustration (20 points) = _____

5 facts written in complete sentences (50 points) = _____

Neatness (10 points) = _____

Total: (100 points) = _____